Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Anonymous said...

Those orange dresses are adorable on the girls! I'm so glad that things are going well. I keep asking as well if you guys could come home to country place already!
I love you all!

Anonymous said...

I must ask all the usual mom questions...Is Bliss crawling, standing or walking? How many teeth does she have? Are you guys using her current nickname when you talk to her?

Anonymous said...

pete & michele they all look sooo beautiful together.....can't wait to see you all in person. Hey how come Thomas is always in the stroller? tell him those sisters aren't going to push him around in that way!

Anonymous said...

Amazing girl, amazing kids, amazing family. We are happy for all of you. It is great to be able to follow a defining moment in your family's life. We are waiting for your next post.
Also, we are tierd of trying..can you bring us a child back? And I want your mile spits the next time you run.