Saturday, August 26, 2006


Mom and Dad,
Here is the picture you have been waiting to see. I put the bracelet on Bliss but it was too big. I had to take it off. I took a picture so you could see. For those of you that don't know the story....... The bracelets the girls are wearing were purchased from the same jewelry store/same person that my Dad purchased a ring he gave my Mom when they were 15 and 16 years old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
Great pictures, thanks for the bracelet shot. We forgot to take the links out like we did for madeline.
We just got home and missed your call but on the message we heard Bliss for the first time. I saved that one. Tell thomas we are sorry about his boo boo, and we hope he found a Band-Aid. Hug all three of those babies for us and give yourselves a hug for us also.
Love Ya Dad & Mom