Thursday, August 31, 2006

Dinner Time in The White Swan

The past 3 nights the kids have eaten the same thing for dinner. Ramen Noodles, Tuna fish from home, and yogurt. How gross is that combo? They don't seem to mind. Thomas is living off of french toast and Bugga hasn't eaten in 2 years anyway.... At least I remembered vitamins.
Barb just discovered that we can get ice from the hall attendant. I'm much happier now. Icy Diet Coke is much better. I'm all caffeined-up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just found your "Journey" yesterday. Our daughter is Sui HuaYa she is in the same orphanage as Bliss as we speak! I googled Suixi and found your site what a godsend! "Rachel" is 13 months old and has spina bifida(so they say) we are waiting to travel anytime they say between Oct and Jan. We adopted Jessica 2 years ago yesterday and debating on taking her with us, how's that going for you kiddies? Congrats to you all and please if you have time e-mail me at I would love to get picts and keep in touch just think our girls were "roomies"! Who needs to go to college for a soriority experience!!!....Linda Oppegaard